Pursuant to the approval from National Internet Exchange of India (NIXI), the .IN Registry has increased the fee payable for the arbitrators for conducting arbitration under .IN Domain NameRegistry (INDRP).
Under the new fee structure that is applicable from October 1, 2014, all complaints pertaining to .IN domains, filed after the said date, are now to be accompanied by an amounts of INR 30, 000 (~USD 487) plus service tax.
On the lines of UDRP, under NIXI, .INDRP -that functions as an autonomous body, has been playing crucial role in resolving domain name disputes in out-of-court proceedings. With mandatory implementation of its resulting decisions, the INDRP process has been effective for trademark owners as they have prevailed in more than 95 percent of the cases.
It is worth mentioning that this is second time in an year that the fee has been increased by the .IN Registry. Earlier in January the .IN Registry had increased the fee from INR 10, 000 (~USD 162) to INR 20, 000 (~USD 324). The Registry had then stated that the fee was increased pursuant to increase in administrative costs for conducting arbitration under INDRP.
The details can also be accessed from the Registry’s website at https://www.registry.i/node/887.