Trademark Filing Cost

Trademark Filing Cost, Fees & Forms

Trademark Filing Fee India

Trademark Rules, 2017, under Rules 10 and 11 provide for the regulations governing filing of fees and forms for the purpose of trademark prosecution in India.

Trademark application and prosecution in India since its inception involves the filing of various Forms by the trademark holder/ agent/ attorney with the Registry. For smooth and successful prosecution of trademark applications, forms are to be accompanied by prescribed fees and requisite documents as mentioned in the Act and Rules.

Few examples of frequently filed Forms are:

FORM TM-A- Application for registration of a trademark/ Collective Marks/ Certification Mark/Series of trademark for specification of goods or services included in one or more than one classes.


On what payable

Previous Cost

Revised Cost

Physical filing


For filing a new application on behalf of a Company or trust or partnership

For both Physical filing and E-filing – 4000.



For filing a new application on behalf of an individual or start-up or small enterprise

For both Physical filing and E- Filing – 4000



For filing renewal application

For both physical filing and E-filing – 5000 per class.

10,000 per class.

9,000 per class.

For recording an assignment

1. For a pending application – 500



2. For Registered Marks within six from the date of assignment – 5000



For adding a person as a registered user

 5000 for first mark

3000 for each additional mark



For extension of time, certified copy of registration certificate or duplicate registration certificate

For both physical filing and E-filing – 500



For expedited processing of an application

20,000 (for expedited examination only)

Not allowed


Handling fees for Madrid Applications


Not allowed


Request to include a trademark in the list of well – known trademark


Not allowed


What is the cost of getting a certified copy of Trademark registration certificate in India?

The Official Fees for getting a certified copy of Trademark registration certificate in India is as follows:

  • For physically filing (non-online route)- INR 1,000
  • For online filing or e-filing- INR 900

What is the cost of making amendment in a trademark application in India?

The Official Fees for making amendment in a trademark application in India is as follows:

  • For physically filing (non-online route)- INR 1000
  • For online filing or e-filing – INR900

What is the cost of registering as registered Trademark user in India under Section 49 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999?

The Official Fees for registering as registered Trademark user in India under Section 49 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 is as follows:

  • For physically filing (non-online route)- INR 5,000
  • For online filing or e-filing – INR 4500

What is the cost of Extension of time to file Examination Report Reply in India?

The cost of Extension of time to file Examination Report Reply in India is as follows:

  • For physical filing (non-online route)- INR 1,000
  • For online filing or e-filing – INR 900

Reduced Trademark filing fee for Start-ups and Small Entities

There have been several legislative attempts to encourgae start-ups to protect Intellectual Property. Hence, the Government under its Start-Up India Campaign that commenced in 2016 has reduced the official Trademark filing fee for Start-ups and small enterprises in India.

Further, the FORMS along with the requisite fee for filing them are set out under the First Schedule which can be accessed at .

The said public notice, specifying the increase can be accessed here.

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