‘Success in Knowledge Economy comes to those who know themselves-their strengths, their values and how they best perform’- Peter Drucker[1]
According to the Asian Development Bank ‘India has potential to become knowledge-based economy’. The best way to turn this possibility into reality is having a strong Intellectual Property environment, as IP is a method of turning knowledge into wealth creation. In pursuit of achieving this aim, the strongest players are MSME’s, which represent over 38% share of the GDP.
To accomplish the goal, Beena Devi, Patent Agent from SSRana & Co. on August 20, 2018, spoke at the Seminar on ‘Intellectual Property Rights for Startups’ organized by Consortium of Women Entrepreneurs of India (CWEI) at MSME Technology Development Centre, Meerut, UP. Her session was titled ‘Intellectual Property Rights in India: Patents and Designs’ and it started with elucidating on the basic concepts of Patents and Designs and proceeded into stressing the need for protecting it. She explained the importance of Patents and Designs for startups from the very beginning. By giving examples of some noteworthy patents she also encouraged startups to invest in IP as IP can turn into a USP for the startups as these are usually based around a revolutionary idea or technological invention. She finally concluded her presentation by elucidating on the meaning of infringement in the world of IP and the remedies available in law against the infringer.
Consortium of Women Entrepreneurs of India (CWEI) is a registered organization. It is accredited to UN System and Govt. of India. It is also a Member of National Board, Ministry of MSME and Knowledge partners working for the sustainable economic empowerment of women SHGs to register as enterprise units, double their income and develop employable skills.
