Good health is the feeling of mental, physical and social well being of a person. It is of paramount importance which everyone should maintain to free of bodily disorders and feel good all time. However it depends on a host of several things. A person having a good health will have a good life. To become wealthy in life you need to earn a good health and not just money.
Communicable diseases continue to be a major problem in India, a large number of which can be prevented by health education, training and a baseline assessment is essential. A commonly held belief is that only economically weaker sections of the society are affected by TB. Hence, not many people opt for the crucial early check-up of the problem. The delay robs the patient of the chances offered by an early diagnosis of the disease. TB being a communicable disease, a delay in its diagnosis may also result in TB spreading to other people who come in contact with the patient.
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis), commonly affecting the lungs. Tuberculosis remains a major public health problem in India. Over 2 million people die of tuberculosis worldwide each year and 0.4 million of them die in India alone.
The Current scenario indicates that there is an urgent need to view and deal with Tuberculosis. Which is why, Dr Khalid Umer Khayyam from the National Institute Of Tuberculosis Respiratory Diseases conducted a training session at SSRANA & Co. in an effort to spread the message to everyone as well as spread awareness of TB and particularly motivate them in reducing stigma attached to TB. Creating awareness could play a vital role in control and prevention of TB.
“If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.”