15th of August is the most celebrated day in our country. It was on this day in 1947, at the stroke of midnight, when the world slept, that India woke up to life and freedom[1]. India became independent after struggling for more than 100 years.
Independence Day reminds us of those patriots who fought and suffered to win freedom for us. India will be celebrating its 72nd Independence Day this year.
With the tricolor fluttering against the blue sky, everyone in SSRana & Co., dressed up in Ethnic attire to celebrate Indian Independence Day.
To add more colors in life, the Firm organized an Orchestra where our members participated in a singing competition and sang patriotic songs to rejoice freedom. The event was organized as part of our commitment to employee engagement.
“We celebrate bravery of our ancestors and their gift of freedom. Long may our flag wave! Happy Independence Day”
[1]Tryst with destiny’ by Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru available at