Tamil Nadu to pass legislation to put time restriction on online gaming

June 12, 2024
online gaming addiction among children

By Rupin Chopra and Apalka Bareja


In a decisive move to address the growing concern over online gaming addiction among children and young adults, it is being reported that the Tamil Nadu government is in the process of enacting a new legislation, which will impose strict time restriction on online gaming activities. This initiative aims to mitigate the adverse effect of excessive online gaming, thereby promoting healthier habits and safeguarding the well-being of the state’s younger population. The proposed legislation showcases Tamil Nadu’s proactive approach in regulating in online gaming industry and setting a precedent for other states to follow. This article delves into what is online game and the proposed impact of the new legislation.

What is Online Game?

The term “online game” is defined under section 2(k) of the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Online Gaming and Regulation of Online Games Act, 2022. As per this section, it means any game, whether or not there are other participants in the game, that is played on an electronic or a digital device and is managed and operated as a software through the internet or any other kind of electronic or other technology for facilitating communication.[1]

Proposed impact of the proposed legislation

The introduction of the stringent time restriction on online gaming is poised to have significant impact such as:

  1. Reduction in Gaming Addiction: The primary objective of the proposed legislation is to curb the gaming addiction, particularly among children and young adults. By limiting the amount of time individuals can spend on online gaming, the law aims to promote healthier lifestyle and reduce the negative consequences associated with excessive gaming.
  2. Mental Health Benefits: Limiting the time spent on online games is expected to improve the mental health and well-being of the young population. Reduced gaming hours can lead to better sleep patterns, improved concentration etc.
  3. Enforcement Challenges: Effective implementation of the proposed legislation will require a robust mechanism. The Tamil Nadu Online Gaming Authority (TNOGA) will need to ensure compliance and address the loopholes such as bypassing time limit restrictions.
  4. Economic Impact on the Gaming Industry: The proposed legislation may initially pose challenges for the online gaming industry specifically in the state of Tamil Nadu. Companies engaged in the business of providing online gaming services may experience a decline in user engagement and revenue. However, it will also encourage the online gaming industry to develop responsible gaming models.
  5. National Context: This move aligns Tamil Nadu with the broader national efforts to regulate the booming online gaming industry. The Central Government is also considering framework for regulating online gaming by imposing time restrictions on online and real money games to tackle the gaming addiction at national level.[2]

In light of the impact of the proposed legislation by Tamil Nadu Government (as per media house) to impose time restriction on online gaming, it is worth noting that KRAFTON, a South Korean based organization and developer of popular game Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), has already introduced time restrictions in the game to curb the addiction problem of children and young adults to online games. The playtime for users under the age of 18 years is fixed at three hours in a day, while for the other players it has been fixed to six hours in a day.[3]

Overall, while the proposed legislation presents few challenges, but its long term benefits in reducing the gaming addiction and promoting healthier habits among the Tamil Nadu’s youth could be substantial.


The Tamil Nadu’s new proposed legislation on online gaming marks a pivotal moment in the state’s effort to tackle the growing issue of online gaming addiction, especially among the youths. By introducing stringent time restriction, the Tamil Nadu government aims to create a healthier and more balanced digital environment. It will be crucial for all the stakeholders to collaborate effectively. Together they can ensure that the benefits of online gaming are enjoyed responsibly, while safeguarding the interest well-being of the youth.

Ritvik Kashyap, Intern at S.S. Rana & Co. has assisted in the research of this article.

[1] Section 2(k) of the Tamil Nadu Prohibition of Online Gambling and Regulation of Online Games Act, 2022: https://www.tnonlinegamingauthority.tn.gov.in/ords/r/wstnoga/tnoga112/act?p6_act_rule_id=41&request=APPLICATION_PROCESS%3DOPEN_ACTS_RULES_ATTACH&session=8847289932060&cs=1pltCnDw8HvvZl9ulq_4nOHUPLx8CbR7FnX4jDMAB-iKxSoe5JSkdfwFXCaSri07MVWJti96JMqG-cg1tJNIc-Q

[2] Available at: https://m.economictimes.com/tech/technology/govt-eyes-time-spend-curbs-to-tackle-gaming-addiction/articleshow/110505799.cms?_ga=2.237115589.473745809.1717993969-2014727986.1714030992&_gl=1*15xv5x3*_gcl_au*NDA3NTkzNjU3LjE3MTQwMzA5OTQ.*_ga*MjAxNDcyNzk4Ni4xNzE0MDMwOTky*_ga_WZ3Z4GGVRC*MTcxODAxMzA4My4yOS4wLjE3MTgwMTMwODYuNTcuMC4w

[3] Available at: https://www.indiatoday.in/technology/news/story/bgmi-now-playable-in-india-daily-time-limit-for-all-new-map-in-game-events-rewards-and-more-2386071-2023-05-29

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