Hon’ble Delhi High Court issues direction for seamless Video Conferencing Hearing!

June 10, 2024
Video Conferencing


Technology steps in when efforts by mankind take a back seat. Ever since the world grappled with the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a paradigm shift in the way things used to function traditionally. Similarly, the Indian Courts transitioned from the hustling and bustling court proceedings echoing with arguments to Online Video Conferencing Hearings. While the Courts have embraced the online mode and are conducting Video Conferencing hearings, the Hon’ble Acting Chief Justice Mr. Manmohan of the Hon’ble Delhi High Court vide order dated May 20, 2024 has issued an order for enabling seamless Video Conferencing Hearings during the court proceedings[1]

Contents of the Order:

The Hon’ble Acting Chief Justice has issued the following directions

  1. The video conferencing should be switched ON during the court hours
  2. The video should be switched ON at the court’s end
  3. The video conferencing at the court’s end should not be on mute unless otherwise directed by the court as per the office order dated June 5, 2023.
  4. It is to be ensured that the Joining of the Video Conferencing should not be locked and Advocates, Litigants and Public should be able to join the Video Conferencing proceedings seamlessly unless otherwise directed by the court as per the office order dated June 5, 2023.
  5. Every court should ensure that the item number is displayed during the Video Conferencing proceedings.
  6. Every court should ensure that a message is shown in the Video Conferencing when the court is not in session, retires, on leave or when the directions to restrict the proceedings are issued as per Office Order dated June 5, 2023.


The Directive issued by the Hon’ble Delhi High Court not only ensures seamless connectivity between the courts, advocates and other stakeholders which include common people to view the proceedings of the court in a hassle free manner leading but also the showcases the Hon’ble courts action in embracing technology in judicial processes.

[1] Available at: https://cdnbbsr.s3waas.gov.in/s3ec0277ee3bc58ce560b86c2b59363281/uploads/2024/05/2024052274.pdf

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