During the month of May, June and July of 2016, the Indian Trade Marks Registry had dispatched 49289 Examination Reports containing office objections under section 9, 11 and other relevant sections of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 to the concerned applicants or their authorized agents on record. Out of the Examination Reports so dispatched, no reply/communication had been received in 23303 applications even after the expiry of more than 30 days from the date of dispatch.
By a public notice dated January 30, 2017, a copy of which can be found over here, the Trade Marks Registry has given one last opportunity to send the scanned copy of the reply to the Examination Report by or before February 28, 2017 at parm.tmr@nic.in. If an applicant fails to do so, then the concerned applications will be treated as abandoned.