The office of Controller General of Patents Design and Trademarks (CGPDTM) has invited stakeholders’ comments on the Industrial Design Law.
The Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT) had considered a set of draft provisions on industrial design law and practices at its twenty-fifth session, held in Geneva in 2011. The Secretariat was then requested to prepare a revised working document for consideration at the twenty-sixth session of the SCT reflecting all comments made at the previous session and highlighting the issues that needed more discussion.
The delegations were also requested to consult extensively with national user groups in order to obtain their views and to inform the work of the Committee.
Subsequently two working documents were prepared by the Secretariat, one containing the draft Articles on industrial design law and practice, i.e. provisions of a general nature and the other containing draft Regulations, which further elaborate upon certain details of a technical and administrative nature raised in a number of the draft Articles.
The new provisions, in particular, as mentioned in the aforesaid documents are:
- Article 5(2) (Permitted Additional Requirement for Filing Date);
- Article 9(3) (Request to Publish Further to a Request to Maintain Unpublished in Publication of the Industrial Design);
- Article 19 (Changes in Names or Addresses); and
- Article 20 (Correction of a Mistake).
The stakeholders can submit their comments by e-mail to by June 18, 2012.
The CGPDTM’s notice can be accessed from the following link: