The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has recently launched Dynamic Patent Utilities
which would enable the patent holders to search for patents and also ascertain its current
Moreover, the Dynamic Patent Utilities module comprises of information displayed about patents in a comprehensive manner in the below mentioned format:
- Patents which have expired, i.e. the 20 years term is over;
- Patents which have ceased to have effect by reason of failure to pay the renewal fee;
- Patents, according to their Number, Title & Technical / Scientific field, which have expired or have ceased to have effect by reason of failure to pay the renewal fee.
The said utility is aimed to be effective and helpful for the patent holders in view of the fact
that once a patent expires it is open to the public for use. Thus, the stakeholders can on a
regular basis view the status of their respective patents and accordingly renew them on time.
The Dynamic Patent Utilities can be viewed at