Generative AI and Patent Monetization

June 7, 2024
Patent monetization marks

By Vikrant Rana and Apalka Bareja


The intersection of generative artificial intelligence and patent monetization marks a transformative phase in the realm of intellectual property management. Generative AI, which utilizes the advanced algorithms to create new data and innovations from the existing information, has demonstrated significant potential in reshaping the various sectors, including technology, pharmaceuticals, automotive sector etc. When applied to patent monetization, generative AI can fundamentally transform how the patents are developed, evaluated and commercialized. The generative AI’s capabilities extend to analyzing the vast databases of existing trends, gaps and opportunities of innovation. This can lead to creation of new patentable innovations by suggesting novel improvements and variations on existing technologies. Additionally, generative AI can streamline the process of patent evaluation. The collaboration between the generative AI and patent monetization not only enhances the value extraction from the patent but also foster a more innovative and competitive market. This article explores the role of generative AI in patent pool are shaping the future of Intellectual Property (IP) monetization.

Role of Generative AI in Patent Monetization

Generative AI plays a pivotal role in the evolving field of patent monetization by revolutionizing how the patents are evaluated and commercialized. The following are the role of the generative AI in patent monetization:

  1. Streamlining the Searches for Right Patent: In the past, finding a relevant patent used to be slowand a tedious task as it involved spending hours analyzing large volume of documents, which could result in missing vital information or mistakes. The Generative AI is changing the game by using algorithms to quickly scan vast amount of databases in a flash. The generative AI is not only fast but it is also smart. It can also analyze the relevant patent applications, description and related technical studies.
  2. Enhanced Decision Making with Predictive Analysis: Predictive analysis (it is process of using data to forecast future outcomes) is a revolutionary application of generative AI in patent monetization. It allows the patent owners to make informed decision about which patents to license and which potential licensees to approach. Generative AI- driven predictive analysis can help in evaluating litigation risks, forecast financial returns from various monetization strategies and even recommend optimal pricing for licensing agreement. This provides for a more nuanced understanding of a patent’s true value, enabling patent holders to negotiate licensing deals with greater confidence.
  3. Predicting Future Trends: Generative AI can be used to forecast future market demands and technological advancement by analyzing the market trends and patent data. This enables the patent holders to align their strategies with anticipated industry development; ensuring they stay competitive and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  4. Assisting IP Professionals: The Generative AI is a powerful tool that enhances the capabilities of the IP professionals. By automating the routine and time consuming task, generative AI allows the patent professionals, analysts etc. to concentrate on the strategic aspect of the patent monetization such as negotiation. The generative AI system can analyze the data relating to potential opportunities and upcoming trends. This ability enables the IP professionals to give more informed advice and identify potential monetization opportunities.
  5. Improved Pool Formation: AI can analyze patent landscape to identify complementary patents that would be well suited for inclusion in a pool, leading to stronger and more attractive offerings for potential licensees.
  6. Cost effective: Patent pool facilitates patent monetization by allowing the patent holder to have access to variety of patents from multiple patent holders, thereby reducing the transaction cost as they only need to enter into a single agreement rather than negotiating individuals agreements with each business and also minimizes the litigation cost associated with the infringement lawsuits.


While the generative AI plays a significant role in patent monetization. It also introduces loopholes and challenges that must be addressed. The following are the challenges associated with the use of generative AI in patent monetization:
A. Data Bias: The effectiveness of generative AI model depends heavily on the quality of the data they are trained with. Biased databases can result in biased innovations, therefore it is important to mitigate data bias to maintain ethics in AI-driven innovation.
B. Continuous need for Human Expertise: While generative AI can offer valuable suggestions, however, human expertise remain indispensable while evaluating the feasibility and commercial potential of the AI-generated information.


In conclusion, the generative AI and patent pooling represent the future of patent monetization. Generative AI assists in streamlining the identification, creation and optimization of patents, enabling more efficient and effective intellectual property management. This technology can analyze vast databases to identify valuable patent opportunities, predicting market trends, enhanced decision making etc. In terms of cost effectiveness, generative AI and patent pooling substantially lowers the financial cost for securing and defending patent infringement lawsuits. Pool members benefit from shared resources, such as access to different patents, administrative support, legal expertise etc. Moreover, by reducing the risk associated with patent infringement lawsuits, member to the patent pool substantially save money which would otherwise be spent on legal battles. However, challenges such as data bias and the continuous need for the human expertise showcases the importance of responsible and informed utilization of generative AI in patent monetization. Addressing these challenges and harnessing the capabilities of the generative AI effectively will make the patent landscape more accessible, equitable and conducive to technological advancement, ultimately leading to more effective and profitable patent monetization.

Ritvik Kashyap, Intern at S.S. Rana & Co. has assisted in the research of this article.

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