Notice regarding the deficiencies in the Trademark applications

January 10, 2013

The Controller General of Patents Design and Trademarks (CGPDTM) has issued a public notice informing the applicants for Trademarks as well as Trademark Agents regarding the recurrent deficiencies in the trademark applications received by the Registry.

The CGPDTM has further stated that none of the applications would be processed by the Registry unless the following information is provided in the application:

  • The actual description of goods/Services in which the trademark is proposed to be used/has
    been used;
  • Applicants/Agents shall refrain from using terms like “all goods/ services”, “etc”, “all other
    goods/ services in the application;
  • Names of proprietors in case of proprietorship firm, all partners in case of partnership firm,
    managing trustee incase of Trust and person representing the society in case of Society;
  • The actual date, month and the year to be given in case of “User”
  • Translation/transliteration of the trademark in case of Non-English / Hindi characters
    appearing in the mark;
  • The marks should also be clearly visible on the application.
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