Trademark Registry Nominates Grievance Redressal Officers

January 24, 2020
Trademark Journal Publication

The Trade Marks Registry vide its public notice dated January 21, 2020 has nominated Grievance Rederessal Officer at each branch and Supervisory Officer at Central Office, Mumbai.

The Public Notice enumerating the list of Officers and their Jurisdiction can be accessed here.

The Grievance Redressal Officers have been appointed by the Trade Marks Registry pursuant to meeting with the stakeholders, wherein the stakeholders pointed out a need to appoint specific grievance officer to look into the day-to-day matters relating to procedural difficulties facilitate immediate resolutions of similar issues regarding processing of various forms.

The Grievance Redressal Officers have to address complaint and take necessary actions to ensure due compliance with office instruction in time. Also if any Grievance Redressal Officer fails to address the grievance within two weeks, the concerned person can move his grievance to the next level i.e. to Supervisory Grievance Redressal Officer.

The public notice also enlists the name of officers nominated as Grievance Redressal Officer alongwith the Jurisdiction for grievance redressal.

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