Increasing awareness about the benefits of healthier lifestyle has led to the deviation towards proper eating. More and more people are incorporating organic foods in their diet owing to the fact that their cultivation does not involve use of any chemicals or fertilizers thereby having high nutrition content.
Since the market for organic products has expanded to a great extent, Food Safety Standards Authority of India (hereinafter referred to as “FSSAI”) regulates the sale of such products in India through the Food Safety and Standards (Organic Foods) Regulations, 2017, (hereinafter referred to as “the Regulations”). These FSSAI regulations monitor all aspects of the organic products in the Indian market including their manufacture, packaging and sale.
Vide notification dated July 29, 2018, FSSAI laid down the following guidelines in respect of organic products in India:
- Use of non-detachable stickers with respect to FSSAI’s organic logo have been allowed for organic products till September 30, 2018.
- The business operators involved in manufacturing/ processing or handling of organic products in India are required to obtain license under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 or get the organic food license endorsed under the Food Licensing and Registration System till September 30, 2018.
The increasing demand of organic products is attributable to their high nutritional value and to the fact that at the same time it is devoid of the harmful impact of any non-natural source of growth. The recent legal framework has been developed to cater the need of a more systematic approach to regulate the commercial activities dependent on the organic products.