India: Revised Rates of Minimum Wages with Effect from October 01, 2016 in Delhi

November 7, 2016

The Deptt. Of Labour, Government of NCT, Delhi passed an order bearing no. F.No.12 (142)/13/mw/Lab 2124 dated September 30, 2016 revising the rates of wages payable in the National Capital Territory of Delhi under the Minimum Wages Act 1948 with effect from October 01, 2016.

Prior to the order dated September 30, 2016, the minimum wage rates applicable in Delhi were Rs. 9,568 for unskilled categories of workers, Rs.10,582 for semi-skilled workers and Rs.11,622 for skilled workers.

The Govt. of NCT, Delhi has now after adjusting the average Consumer Price Index Number of the period from January 2016 to June 2016 which is 271.17 (an increase of 4.34 points) declared the following Dearness Allowances payable to all categories of workers w.e.f October 01, 2016.

Revised Rates of Minimum Wages

Further, the order prescribes the following rates of minimum wages payable to Clerical and Supervisory Staffs in all Scheduled employments:

India - Revised Rates of Minimum Wages

The following rates of minimum wages shall be applicable in employment in establishments where the workers are given facilities of meals of lodging or both by the employer:

Rates of Minimum Wages

  1. Where only lodging is provided
  2. Where only meals twice a day is provided
  3. Where both meals and lodging are provided.
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