Domain names registration in India updates
The official registry in India for .IN domains is the IN Registry. The IN Registry has been created by NIXI, the National Internet eXchange of India.
NIXI is a Not-for-Profit Company under Section 25 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956 and has been established with the objective of facilitating improved Internet services in the country.
Under NIXI, the INRegistry functions as an autonomous body with primary responsibility for maintaining the .IN ccTLD and ensuring its operational stability, reliability, and security. It will implement the various elements of the new policy set out by the Government of India and its Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.
INRegistry has the following responsibilities:
1. Maintaining the “.IN” top level domain
2. Ensuring the operational stability, reliability, and security of “.IN”
3. Implementing Government of India policies
Here it would be relevant to mention that the IN Registry does not itself regulates the procedure of domain name registration. It accredits Registrars for the purpose of Domain name registration.
Available domain names can be searched by the registrant here.
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