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The following list of article pages will tell you about top headlines all over world.
Gas and ATF likely to be brought under GST
November 29, 2019
‘In Chamber’ Proceedings to Prevent “Leak” in cases pertaining to IPR
November 12, 2019
Doing Business 2020: India’s Rank Jumps by 14 Places
November 6, 2019
Myanmar: Trademark Filing Opens- Soft Launch- January, 2020
India: Draft Designs (Amendment) Rules, 2019
October 29, 2019
India: Delhi High Court seeks response from the Registrar of Trade Marks to explain the uploading of backdated O-3 notices on its website
Mexico Opens Doors for Unconventional Trademarks
October 23, 2019
IRDA restricts insurance companies to exclude illness criteria
Government Launches L2Pro App: An e-Learning Platform for IPR
October 18, 2019
NGT Constitutes Committee to Determine Restriction on Use of Plastic Bottles and Tetra Packaging
October 17, 2019
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 awarded for rechargeable Lithium ion batteries
October 11, 2019
“Green Channel” Clearance for Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) by CCI
October 9, 2019
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