Employee Retention Programs in SSRana & Co.
We take pride in the work culture and work atmosphere that we provide to our employees. We recruit, promote and retain the best and competent staff to enable growth in the firm. Partners of the firm regularly arrange conferences and meetings to provide a platform to all the staff to voice their opinion. Senior and managing partners of the firm undertake the responsibility of personally grooming, encouraging and mentoring the interns and associates. The work culture inculcates a feeling of responsibility and amenability in all the staff. Most of our employees have been associated with us since the beginning of their career.
We are concerned about the health and well-being of our Members, and in this regard, various health related trainings including Meditation and Yoga sessions are conducted regularly. Bitten by the Yoga bug, on the occasion of International Yoga Day 2017, we turned our office conference room into a makeshift Yoga Studio. From short talks on yoga, work-life balance, a session on relaxation techniques and an experimental session on meditation by a certified Yoga instructor, we organized a session of about 60 minutes, where the employees pledged to make yoga an integral part of their daily lives.

“The Firm recognizes the value of employee retention towards the Firm’s growth vice-versa the growth of the employees. We meet the team members regularly to discuss their professional goals and the ways the same can be achieved. We have a reward and recognition policy in place to acknowledge the achievements of the employees as well as the departments as a whole. The Members are provided training right from the 1st day of employment and throughout the course of employment. Trainings are provided not only to develop the skills but also range from Leadership Trainings to Spiritual and motivational trainings.

Committees in office
We have constituted 9 committees in office. To name a few -Employee Engagement Committee, Green Policy Committee, Anti-Sexual Committee, Vidya Darshan Committee etc. All these committees constantly work towards the benefit not only of the employees but also of the needy and poor.”