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The following list tell you about thoughts of leadership.
Document Identification Number system introduced by CBIC: India
April 3, 2020
Centre amends Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme to allow withdrawal of non-refundable advance amid COVID-19 outbreak
Lockdown period to be excluded from Insolvency Resolution Process timeline: India
Ordinance issued to extend deadlines u/Taxation and Benami Acts amid COVID-19
Import Clearance and Food Testing Labs classified as Essential Services during COVID-19
Food Business Operators to Function Temporarily during Lockdown Period
Impact of GST on Unsold Pre-packaged Products
Cyber Crime during Coronavirus Pandemic
April 2, 2020
Internet Broadcasting Organization and Statutory License under Section 31D of Copyright Act
Addition of product categories to “Electronics and Information Technology Goods (Requirements for Compulsory Registration) Order
Novel Coronavirus (Covid -19) Outbreak: Ministry of Road and Transports issued advisory extending the validity of documents related to Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989
March 31, 2020
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