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The following list tell you about thoughts of leadership.
IP Due Diligence in M&A- 4 points to consider
May 22, 2020
Impact of COVID-19 on Start-ups
May 20, 2020
Indian IPO extends all deadlines falling between March 15 and May 17 to June 1
India IP Update: All IP Deadlines extended till June 01, 2020
May 19, 2020
‘Remedesivir’ supply- Gilead signs Pact with generic drug makers
India: Insolvency in times of COVID-19
Digital release of movies before release in Cinemas
USPTO launches Program for Fast Track Examination
May 15, 2020
USPTO launches Patents 4 Partnerships
‘Bois Locker Room’ controversy and the Issue of Intermediary Liability
May 14, 2020
WIPO figures indicate need of green tech innovation surge to flight climate change
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