The Copyright Act 2000 provides for the specific period of protection for each category. The below table helps us to understand the term of protection for these works:

01.Generally, for published literary (including computer software), dramatic, musical and artistic worksLifetime of author + 60 years from next calendar year after the death
02.Posthumous work60 years from next calendar year when the work was first published.
03.Cinematograph films60 years from next calendar year when the film was first published.
04.Sound Recording60 years from next calendar year when the photgraph was first published.
05.Photographs60 years from next calendar year when the sound recording was first published
06.Computer Programme60 years from next calendar year when the computer programme was first published
07.Anonymous and Pseudonymous works (except a photograph)60 years from next calendar year when the work was first published   (If any of the author is know during the period of protection, the term will extend to the lifetime of known author(s) + 60 years from next calendar year after the death of last known author)
08.Government works, public undertakings and international organisations.60 years from next calendar year when the work was first published.

Unless there is any agreement to the contrary, in the following circumstance the provided person(s) will be considered as the owner of the work.

In course of employment by the employer, under a contract of service or apprenticeshipThe Employer
Where photograph taken, or a painting or portrait drawn, or an engraving or a cinematograph film is made, for a valuable consideration and on instance of any personPerson at whose instance the work is made.
In the case of a Government work or under direction of local authorityThe Government or the local authority
In the case of a work made or first published by or under the direction or control of any public undertakingThe Public Undertaking
In the case of a work of International Organisations (to which the provisions of section 41 of Copyright Act 1957 apply)International Organization

Exclusive Rights and Special Rights

Copyright enables the owner with, more or less, following exclusive rights:

  1. Right to Reproduce
  2. Right to Publish
  3. Right to Translate
  4. Right to make any adaptation of the work.
  5. Right to Perform the work in public
  6. Right to Broadcast
  7. Right to make Cinematograph Film or Sound Recording in respect of the work
  8. Right to issue copies in public

The author of the work also has following special rights:

  1. Right to claim authorship
  2. Right to restrain or claim damages in respect of any distortion, mutilation or other modification of the work, or any other action in relation to the work which would be prejudicial to his honour or reputation.

Copyright in Bangladesh

Copyright Filing and Fees Bangladesh

For more information on Copyright Ownership and term of protection in Bangladesh please write to us at:

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