Civil Remedies Available

Owner of the copyright is entitled to following civil remedies:

  • Damages / Compensation
  • Search Order Injunction
  • Accounts of Profit
  • Anton Pillar Order

Suit or other civil proceedings can be filed before the Court of District Judge within the local limits of whose jurisdiction, at the time of the institution of the suit or other proceeding, the person instituting the suit or other proceeding or, where there are more than one such person, any of them actually and voluntarily resides or carries on business or personally works for gain.


The following acts qualifies as offence:

  Wilful infringing or abetting the infringement of the copyright in a work other than in the case of cinematograph film6 months up to 4 years Or Taka 50,000 up to taka 2,00,000
  Wilful infringing or abetting the infringement of the copyright in a cinematograph film1 year up to 5 years or Taka 1,00,000 up to taka 5,00,000
  Infringing the copyright in a work of computer program, publishing it in any medium, selling or distributing it more than one copy;6 months up to 4 years or Taka 1,00,000 up to taka 4,00,000
  Using an infringed copy in computer6 months up to 3 years or Taka 1,00,000 up to taka 3,00,000
Makes or causes to be made a false entry in the Register of Copyrights;  Up to 2 years   And / or   Up to taka 10,000
  Makes or causes to be made a writing falsely purporting to be a copy of any entry in the Register
  Produces or tenders or causes to be produced or tendered as evidence any such entry or writing, knowing the same to be false
  Penalty for making false statements for the purpose of deceiving or influencing any authorityUp to 2 years   And / or   Up to taka 25,000
  False attribution of authorship

Administrative Remedies

An application can be made with the Registrar of Copyrights to ban the import of infringing goods into Bangladesh. Administrative action can be taken when infringement happens by way of importation of infringing goods.

Copyright in Bangladesh

Copyright Filing and Fees Bangladesh

For more information on Copyright Remedies in Bangladesh please write to us at:

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