Cost/Fees of Filing an International Application under Madrid Protocol


Cost/Fees of Filing an International Application under Madrid Protocol

Cost/Fees involved in Filing an International Application under Madrid Protocol

The cost of an international trademark registration includes the basic fee, plus additional costs depending on the nature of your mark, where you want to protect it, and how many classes of goods and services will be covered by your registration.[1]

Types of fees under Madrid Protocol[2]

The fees payable in connection with an application for international registration under the Madrid System comprise:

  • the basic fee;
  • a complementary fee for each Contracting Party designated; and
  • a supplementary fee for each class of goods and services in excess of three.

For certain contracting parties, the complementary fee is replaced by an “individual fee”. 

Basic fee for Indian Applicants under Madrid Protocol

CHF 653, where no reproduction of the mark is in color or CHF 903, where any reproduction of the mark is in color.

Basic fee for designations subsequent to the Application under Madrid Protocol

CHF 300 is the basic fee for designations subsequent to the Application

Individual fee under Madrid Protocol

An individual fee is the fixed fee for each country designated in an Application under Madrid Protocol / International Application.

Complimentary fee under Madrid Protocol

A complimentary fee of CHF 100 is to be submitted for the designation of each designated Contracting Party in respect of which an individual fee is not payable.

Fee charged by the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) of India under Madrid Protocol

INR 5000 is charged by the IPO, India as handling fees.

The appropriate office for the submission of fees under Madrid Protocol

The fees for filing an Application under Madrid Protocol / International Application are to be submitted directly by the applicant to the International Bureau of World Intellectual Property Organization (IB of WIPO).

Stage at which fees is to be paid to the IB of WIPO under Madrid Protocol

Basic fees, complimentary fee (if any) and individual fee (if any) are to be paid by the applicant upon receipt of an alert from the IPO, India informing about the transmission of the Application under Madrid Protocol / International Application to IB of WIPO and the amount of Swiss francs (CHF) to be paid directly to WIPO.



To know more about Madrid Protocol in India

For more information on filing an international application under Madrid Protocol, please write to us at:

For more information please contact us at :