Requirements for Filing a Trademark Application in Pakistan Who Can File a Trademark Application in Pakistan
Any person who claims to be the proprietor of the trademark can file an application for the registration of its mark in respect to goods/services. It should be filed at the trademark office, Karachi.
After filing the trademark application, the same is then examined by the Trademarks Registry, Pakistan as to its inherent registrability and/or any similarity with existing marks. If any objection is raised, an official examination report will be issued by Trademarks Registry. To overcome the objection, it is necessary to file a response to examination report along with the supporting documents showing the marks as used.
If, following examination, the trademark application is considered allowable, acceptance order is issued, and thereafter the trademark is published in the trademarks Journal. If there are no oppositions filed within 2 months or within such further period not exceeding 2 months in aggregate, from the date of advertisement in the Trademarks Journal, then the trademark registration certificate is issued. Trademark registration is a long process and it takes around 18-24 months to obtain registration in case no opposition is filed by a third party.